速報APP / 個人化 / Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Московское ш., 41.

Teddy Bear(圖1)-速報App

Love soft toys? Meet a cute interactive Teddy Bear toy on your Android device. Teddy will be watching your actions at day time and will be sleeping at night. You can select a background and accessories for him.

Double tapping the heart pillow toggles its glowing. In addition, you can play with Teddy by tickling his legs, belly, and head. You can wake up Teddy at night time by changing virtual screens. Once you stop switching screens, he will fall asleep again after a while.

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Teddy Bear(圖2)-速報App

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IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're experiencing any issue with the wallpaper don't hesitate to contact us by email - leen.developer@gmail.com. In 99% of cases we cannot resolve an issue reported as a comment.

Wallpaper features:

Teddy Bear(圖3)-速報App


- Day and night mode. You can turn on day time or night time or enable the auto mode, which will change day to night and night to day at the time you chose;

- Three amazing quality backgrounds to select from;

Teddy Bear(圖4)-速報App

- Accessories;

- Four beautiful heart pillows and four stylish caps to combine;

- "Direct Settings" button. An optional button located right on the screen for instant access to the wallpaper settings.

Teddy Bear(圖5)-速報App

Device features:


- Full support for portrait and landscape orientations;

Teddy Bear(圖6)-速報App

- Efficient battery consumption. The wallpaper is rendered only when it is really visible;

- An ability to limit the number of frames per second to prolong battery life;

- Can be moved to the SD card;

Teddy Bear(圖7)-速報App

- Requires OpenGL ES 2.0.

How to interact:


Teddy Bear(圖8)-速報App

- Double tap the heart pillow to glow it;

- Moving the screen wakes up Teddy. He will fall asleep again after a while once you finish moving screens;

- Tickle Teddy's legs, head, and belly, and see his reaction.

Teddy Bear(圖9)-速報App